Source code for pystackreg.pystackreg

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from . import turboreg
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
import warnings

def simple_slice(arr, inds, axis):
    Take elements from an array along an axis.

    This does the same as np.take() except only supports simple slicing, not
    advanced indexing, and thus is much faster

    :type arr: array_like (Ni..., M, Nk...)
    :param arr: The source array to slice from

    :type inds: int or array_like (Nj...)
    :param inds:
        The indices of the values to extract

    :type axis: int
    :param axis: The axis over which to select values

    :rtype:  ndarray(Ni..., Nj..., Nk...)
    :return: The returned array has the same type as arr

    sl = [slice(None)] * arr.ndim
    sl[axis] = inds
    return arr[tuple(sl)]

def running_mean(x, N, axis=0):
    Calculate running mean (=moving average) across a given axis.

    The array is padded with the first and last value such that
    the resulting running mean has the same dimensions as the input array.

    :type x: array_like (Ni..., Nj..., Nk...)
    :param x: The source array

    :type N: int
    :param N:
        Number of elements to average over

    :type axis: int, optional
    :param axis: The axis across which the running mean is calculated

    :rtype:  ndarray(Ni..., Nj..., Nk...)
    :return: The returned array has the same shape and type as x
    pad_width = [[0, 0]] * len(x.shape)
    pad_width[axis] = [int(np.ceil(N / 2)), int(np.floor(N / 2))]
    cumsum = np.cumsum(np.pad(x, pad_width, "edge"), axis=axis)
    return (cumsum[N:] - cumsum[:-N]) / float(N)

[docs]class StackReg: """ Python implementation of the ImageJ/Fiji StackReg plugin ( ) """ # Transformation TRANSLATION = 2 RIGID_BODY = 3 SCALED_ROTATION = 4 AFFINE = 6 BILINEAR = 8 _valid_transformations = [ TRANSLATION, RIGID_BODY, SCALED_ROTATION, AFFINE, BILINEAR, ] _is_registered = False def __init__(self, transformation): """ Constructor :param transformation: TRANSLATION, RIGID_BODY, SCALED_ROTATION, AFFINE, BILINEAR """ if transformation not in self._valid_transformations: raise Exception("Invalid transformation") self._transformation = transformation self._m = None self._tmats = None self._refpts = None self._movpts = None
[docs] def is_registered(self): """ Indicates whether register() was already called and a transformation matrix was calculated :rtype: bool :return: True if a transformation matrix was already calculated """ return self._is_registered
[docs] def register(self, ref, mov): """ Registers an image to a reference image: Only the transformation matrix will be calculated, the image will not be transformed (use transform() or register_transform() ). :type ref: array_like (Ni..., Nj...) :param ref: Reference image (static) :type mov: array_like (Ni..., Nj...) :param mov: The image that should be aligned to the reference image :rtype: ndarray(3,3) :return: 2D transformation matrix """ self._is_registered = True self._m, self._refpts, self._movpts = turboreg._register( ref[:-1, :-1], mov[:-1, :-1], self._transformation ) return self.get_matrix()
[docs] def transform(self, mov, tmat=None): """ Transform an image according to a previous registration. Either a transformation matrix has to be explicitly supplied or register() has to be called before calling transform(). :type mov: array_like (Ni..., Nj...) :param mov: The image that will be transformed :type tmat: ndarray(3,3), optional :param tmat: The transformation matrix :rtype: ndarray (Ni..., Nj...) :return: Transformed image - will be of the same shape as the input image (cropping may occur) """ if tmat is None and not self.is_registered(): raise Exception("Register first") if tmat is not None: tmat = self._matrix_long_to_short(tmat) else: tmat = self._m return turboreg._transform(mov, tmat)
[docs] def register_transform(self, ref, mov): """ Register and transform an image to a reference image. :type ref: ref: array_like (Ni..., Nj...) :param ref: Reference image (static) :type mov: array_like (Ni..., Nj...) :param mov: The image that should be aligned to the reference image :rtype: ndarray (Ni..., Nj...) :return: Transformed image - will be of the same shape as the input image (cropping may occur) """ self.register(ref, mov) return self.transform(mov)
[docs] def get_matrix(self): """ Get the current transformation matrix :rtype: ndarray(3,3) or ndarray(4,4) for bilinear transformation :return: The transformation matrix """ return self._matrix_short_to_long(self._m)
[docs] def set_matrix(self, mat): """ Sets the current transformation matrix :type mat: ndarray(3,3) or ndarray(4,4) for bilinear transformation :param mat: The transformation matrix """ exp_shape = (4, 4) if self._transformation == self.BILINEAR else (3, 3) if not exp_shape == mat.shape: raise Exception( "Invalid shape of transformation matrix: Expected %s, got %s" % (str(exp_shape), str(mat.shape)) ) self._m = self._matrix_long_to_short(mat) self._is_registered = True
def _matrix_short_to_long(self, m): """ Converts the transformation matrix from the short form used by TurboReg to the canonical form from linear algebra. :type m: array_like :param m: TurboReg transformation matrix :rtype: ndarray(3,3) :return: Canonical transformation matrix """ if self._transformation == self.TRANSLATION: mat = np.identity(3).astype(np.double) mat[0:2, 2] = m[:, 0] elif self._transformation in [ self.RIGID_BODY, self.SCALED_ROTATION, self.AFFINE, ]: mat = np.identity(3).astype(np.double) mat[0:2, :] = m[:, [1, 2, 0]] elif self._transformation == self.BILINEAR: mat = np.identity(4).astype(np.double) mat[0:2, :] = m[:, [1, 2, 3, 0]] else: raise Exception("Unexpected transformation") return mat def _matrix_long_to_short(self, mat): """ Converts the transformation matrix from the canonical form from linear algebra to the short form used by TurboReg. :type mat: ndarray(3,3) :param mat: Canonical transformation matrix :rtype: array_like :return: TurboReg transformation matrix """ if self._transformation == self.TRANSLATION: m = mat[0:2, 2].reshape((2, 1)) elif self._transformation in [ self.RIGID_BODY, self.SCALED_ROTATION, self.AFFINE, ]: m = mat[0:2, [2, 0, 1]] elif self._transformation == self.BILINEAR: m = mat[0:2, [3, 0, 1, 2]] else: raise Exception("Unexpected transformation") return m.astype(np.double)
[docs] def get_points(self): """ Returns the pairs of corresponding points from which the transformation matrix can be calculated. :rtype: (ndarray, ndarray) :return: (Point coordinates of reference image, Point coordinates of image to be aligned) """ return self._refpts, self._movpts
[docs] def register_stack( self, img, reference="previous", n_frames=1, axis=0, moving_average=1, verbose=False, progress_callback=None, ): """ Register a stack of images (movie). Note that this function will not transform the image but only calculate the transformation matrices. For tranformation use transform_stack() after this function or use register_transform_stack() for a single call. :type img: array_like(Ni..., Nj..., Nk...) :param img: The 3D stack of images that should be aligned :type reference: string, one of ['previous', 'first', 'mean'] :param reference: * *'previous'*: Aligns each frame (image) to its previous frame in the stack * *'first:'* Aligns each frame (image) to the first frame in the stack - if n_frames is > 1, then each frame is aligned to the mean of the first n_frames of the stack * *'mean'*: Aligns each frame (image) to the average of all images in the stack :type n_frames: int, optional :param n_frames: If reference is 'first', then this parameter specifies the number of frames from the beginning of the stack that should be averaged to yield the reference image. :type axis: int, optional :param axis: The axis of the time dimension :type moving_average: int, optional :param moving_average: If moving_average is greater than 1, a moving average of the stack is first created (using a subset size of moving_average) before registration :type verbose: bool, optional :param verbose: Specifies whether a progressbar should be shown using tqdm. :type progress_callback: function, optional :param progress_callback: A function that is called after every iteration. This function should accept the keyword arguments current_iteration:int and end_iteration:int. :rtype: ndarray(img.shape[axis], 3, 3) :return: The transformation matrix for each image in the stack """ if self._transformation == self.BILINEAR and reference == "previous": raise Exception( 'Bilinear stack transformation not supported with reference == "previous", ' "as a combination of bilinear transformations does not generally result in a " "bilinear transformation. " "Use another reference or manually register/transform images to their previous image." ) if len(img.shape) != 3: raise Exception("Stack must have three dimensions") idx_start = 1 if moving_average > 1: idx_start = 0 size = [0] * len(img.shape) size[axis] = moving_average img = running_mean(img, moving_average, axis=axis) tmatdim = 4 if self._transformation == self.BILINEAR else 3 self._tmats = np.repeat( np.identity(tmatdim).reshape((1, tmatdim, tmatdim)), img.shape[axis], axis=0 ).astype(np.double) if reference == "first": ref = np.mean(img.take(range(n_frames), axis=axis), axis=axis) elif reference == "mean": ref = img.mean(axis=0) idx_start = 0 iterable = range(idx_start, img.shape[axis]) if verbose: iterable = tqdm(iterable) for i in iterable: slc = [slice(None)] * len(img.shape) slc[axis] = slice(i, i + 1) if reference == "previous": ref = img.take(i - 1, axis=axis) self._tmats[i, :, :] = self.register(ref, simple_slice(img, i, axis)) if reference == "previous" and i > 0: self._tmats[i, :, :] = np.matmul( self._tmats[i, :, :], self._tmats[i - 1, :, :] ) if progress_callback is not None: progress_callback( current_iteration=i - idx_start, end_iteration=img.shape[axis] - idx_start, ) return self._tmats
[docs] def transform_stack(self, img, axis=0, tmats=None): """ Transform a stack after registration. :type img: array_like(Ni..., Nj..., Nk...) :param img: The 3D stack of images that should be aligned :type axis: int, optional :param axis: The axis of the time dimension :type tmats: ndarray(img.shape[axis], 3, 3), optional :param tmats: The transformation matrix for each image in the stack :rtype: ndarray(Ni..., Nj..., Nk...) :return: The transformed stack """ if tmats is None: if self._tmats is None: raise Exception( "No transformation matrices given. Please register first or pass transformation matrices explicitly." ) tmats = self._tmats if tmats.shape[0] != img.shape[axis]: raise Exception( "Number of saved transformation matrices does not match stack length" ) out = img.copy().astype(np.float) for i in range(img.shape[axis]): slc = [slice(None)] * len(out.shape) slc[axis] = slice(i, i + 1) out[tuple(slc)] = self.transform(simple_slice(img, i, axis), tmats[i, :, :]) return out
[docs] def register_transform_stack( self, img, reference="previous", n_frames=1, axis=0, moving_average=1, verbose=False, progress_callback=None, ): """ Register and transform stack of images (movie). :type img: array_like(Ni..., Nj..., Nk...) :param img: The 3D stack of images that should be aligned :type reference: string, one of ['previous', 'first', 'mean'] :param reference: * *'previous'*: Aligns each frame (image) to its previous frame in the stack * *'first:'* Aligns each frame (image) to the first frame in the stack - if n_frames is > 1, then each frame is aligned to the mean of the first n_frames of the stack * *'mean'*: Aligns each frame (image) to the average of all images in the stack :type n_frames: int, optional :param n_frames: If reference is 'first', then this parameter specifies the number of frames from the beginning of the stack that should be averaged to yield the reference image. :type axis: int, optional :param axis: The axis of the time dimension :type moving_average: int, optional :param moving_average: If moving_average is greater than 1, a moving average of the stack is first created (using a subset size of moving_average) before registration :type verbose: bool, optional :param verbose: Specifies whether a progressbar should be shown using tqdm. :type progress_callback: function, optional :param progress_callback: A function that is called after every iteration. This function should accept the keyword arguments current_iteration:int and end_iteration:int. :rtype: ndarray(Ni..., Nj..., Nk...) :return: The transformed stack """ self.register_stack( img, reference, n_frames, axis, moving_average, verbose, progress_callback ) return self.transform_stack(img, axis)